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Y5 Picasso

Welcome to Picasso Class!

We are Picasso Class. Our teacher is Mrs Robinson and our wonderful teaching assistant is Ms Winterton (Tuesday afternoon)


Our topic for the Spring Term is Sow, Grow and Farm!

This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of land use in agricultural regions across the world, including a detailed exploration of significant environmental areas.



Spring 1 PE:
Mon PM - Ford class only - Gymnastics
Tues AM - Ford and Picasso Swimming
Thurs AM - Picasso class only - Gymnastics

Please ensure children come to school in PE kit and jewellery is removed. 


Spellings will be handed out every Thursday and tested the following Wednesday.

Please ensure your child practises daily. 


Dojos are given for: 
2x = Full marks 
1x = Maintaining or beating their previous score


Home learning will be handed out every Thursday and is expected to be returned by the following Wednesday. Home learning is very important in consolidating the children's learning from the week, so please support us in encouraging your child to complete the tasks set. Spare copies can be found in the classroom. 

Dojos are given for: 
1x = Completion of a home-learning task
1x = Completion of a creative home learning task 
1x = Accessing time-table rockstars over the weekend/ afterschool



Please encourage your children to read daily. They can read on their own and sign their own planners, however it is really helpful for them to practise reading aloud and also to discuss the contents of what they're reading to an adult. Your child will have a bookmark in their planners which has comprehension questions for you ask them at home to support their understanding. 


Dojos are given for: 
1x = 3 reads a week
2x = 4 reads a week

3x = 5 reads a week

1x additional responsibility dojo = an adult signing their planner


Knowledge Organisers: 

Please find knowledge organisers in the 'Useful Resources' Folder, which will support you to understand what your children are learning throughout the different subjects. 
