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Collaboration Details

Farmilo is part of the Mansfield Area Collaboration with four other schools: Crescent Primary, Northfield Primary, Intake Farm Primary and John T Rice Infants.


We work together on a number of areas of school improvement whilst remaining autonomous as 5 separate schools. School Improvement areas include: raising attainment in English and Maths through networks, raising attainment in Foundation Stage, supporting Governance and quality assurance.

Collaboration Update Autumn term 21

The Mansfield Area Collabration (JTR, F, N, IF, C) continues to work positively. During the last 18 months the collaboration have continued to work successfully despite the challenging times that we have faced. The schools have supported each other effectively. The headteachers of the schools have shared effective approaches towards COVID- 19 and networks have continued to meet remotely. An example of this is the ‘Our Wonderful World’ project where your children’s’ fantastic English work was shared across the collaboration of school. Some of the schools have access to a Behaviour Support Lead who continues to support some children. The Governors continue to meet and share training and provide support for each other. 

The MAC continues to focus on sharing good practise to improve the outcomes and provision within all of the schools. 
