Thank You
We would just like to thank you for attending our stay and play session last week. It was lovely to be able to introduce you to your child's setting and to be able to speak to you about your child and how they have settled into nursery.
As we come to the end of our story The Gruffalo the children will be having a little visit from the Gruffalo during our Magical Story Box Time. The focused activities this week will link to the Gruffalo story especially the Gruffalo himself.
The children will be having a go at using the dough and resources to create their own Gruffalo, they will be having the opportunity to create their own woodland scenery using natural resources and the animals from the Gruffalo story. The children will be able to use their own ideas to create a underground house for the Fox with their friends , also creating lunch for the Fox using the oats, hoops and utensils. We have counting the cubes and matching them to the correct number on the Gruffalo.
We are also following our children's interest's as we have the cars out and they can use their own ideas and bring in resources of their choice.
This week the children have been looking at sorting and matching games, looking at objects that are the same and objects that are different. Please find the activities below if you would like to try these at home.