We have now reached the end of our topic 'Coming to England'. The children have been able to talk about our topic book and have loved engaging in the different activities each week.
This week we will be celebrating The Queens Platinum Jubilee. In Nursery there will be lots of different activities for the children to explore such as creating their own crown, making a flag and decorating the crowns with gems and buttons.
We hope you all have a lovely half term break and we would like to thank you for your continued support this half term. We can't wait to hear about your adventures when you all come back to Nursery.
Important Dates:
Wednesday 25th May 2022- Class photo day, please send your child to school in their uniform.
Friday 27th May 2022- The Queens Jubilee Tea Party- Am Nursery(11:00-11:30pm), Pm Nursery (2:00-2:30pm)
Friday 27th May 2022- Non- uniform please send your child to school in red, white or blue clothing or party clothes. There will be no Forest School on Friday.
Monday 30th May 2022- Friday 3rd June 2022- School Holidays
Monday 6th June- Return to School,