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WC 04.10.21

English: We will be looking at texts by our class poet Edward Lear as well as learning about calligrams and creating rollercoaster themed calligram poems for our big write this week! 

Maths: This week is all about negative numbers: recognising, ordering and comparing. 


Topic: Science and design are the focus of the week! The children will be completing a 'Love To Investigate' session about friction and will be conducting their own experiments. They will also be putting their Tinkercad skills to the test this week as they create a roller coaster carriage as their final design piece!  


Spellings due to be tested on Thursday 7th October: 

WC 20.09.21

This week, we have our trip to Alton Towers! We will also be continuing to practise our design skills on Tinkercad. 

English: We will be writing a trip advisor review about Alton Towers using our own experiences from Monday to support it!

Spellings to be tested Thursday 23rd: 



Maths: This week, we are learning to round numbers up to 100,000. 


Other foundation subjects this week cover learning how to deal with uncomfortable feelings in PSHE, and learning about actions and values in RE.

WC 13.09.21

This week, we will be using our geographical skills to plot our journey from school to Alton Towers, testing the effects of water resistance and start to use software called 'tinkercad' to create our own roller coaster carriages. 

English: We will be writing our very own radio advertisement script for Alton Towers and then will have the opportunity to perform some on Friday. 

Spellings to be tested Thursday 16th: 



Maths: This week, we are continuing to build on our place value knowledge with numbers up to 999,999. 


Other foundation subjects this week cover learning how to express your thoughts and feelings in PSHE, learning about rules and choices in RE and building up number knowledge in French.

WC 06.09.21

This week, we will be learning about worldwide theme parks, centripetal force as well as creating our very own 'egg-citing droptower' that will challenge our engineering skills! 

English: We are having a 'SPAG Focus Week' to give the children the best start to their writing this year after much time missed in their learning. We will be recapping previous years objectives ready to start expanding this year into Y5 expectations. 

Spellings this week are:


Maths: This week, we are focusing on counting in 10s, 100s, 1000s and 10,000s. We will support the children to do this using our mastery approach which consists of active maths, concrete resources, pictorial support and word problems. 


Other foundation subjects this week cover learning how to be yourself in PSHE and exploring other people's values in RE. 
