Welcome to Ennis-Hill Class!
We are Ennis-Hill Class - a mixed 3/4 class.
Our teachers are Mrs Townsend (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Liddle (Thursday - Friday).
Our wonderful teaching assistants are Miss Simpson, Mrs Willcock, Mrs Ledger, Mrs Crooks and Miss Walker.
Our current topic is:
Misty Mountain, Winding Rivers
Click on the Earth icon below to see our newsletter, home learning and knowledge organiser.
Our PE days are:
Monday and Thursday
Please send children into school wearing their PE kits on these days.
Communication is incredibly important so that school and home can work together. Please use Dojo for quick messages. This will be checked before the children come into school. We will post important information on our Dojo class story and the school website on 'what we are learning this week'.
We will always be available in the morning on the school playground. If there is an issue that arises that needs more time, please arrange a phone call or meeting with Mrs Townsend/ Mrs Liddle.
Planners will be checked every day for Reading dojos. Please encourage your children to read daily. They can read on their own and sign their own planners, however it is really helpful for them to practise reading aloud and also to discuss the contents of what they're reading to an adult.
Dojos are given for:
1x = 3 reads a week
2x = 4 reads a week
3x = 5 reads a week
1x additional responsiblity dojo = an adult signing their planner
Spellings will be handed out every Friday and tested the following Friday. Please ensure your child practises daily.
Dojos are given for:
1x = Full marks
1x = Beating their previous score
This will either be Maths or English and consolidate what we have learnt in class that week. This will be set on a FRIDAY and due back the following FRIDAY. Children can earn a dojo for completion.
This will be checked WEEKLY. Children can earn home learning dojos from interaction and effort.
Children can earn dojos for completing any task on the creative home learning poster, we ask children to complete one piece per half term and for it be completed ready for our sharing event on Wednesday 14th December. We can't wait to see what the children create!
Dojos are given for:
1x = Completion of a home-learning task
1x = Completion of a creative home learning task
1x = Accessing time-table rockstars over the weekend/ afterschool