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Miss Welsh is our music leader.

Music intent at Farmilo: 

At Farmilo we value music as a powerful and unique form of expression and communication that can change and impact the way children feel, think and act.

Our objective at Farmilo is to develop an acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music, and an unbiased respect for the role that music may wish to be expressed in any person’s life.

Children are offered a variety musical experiences and are given a chance to experiment and explore various instruments and music types throughout their time at Farmilo. These experiences will reflect the children’s progress in musical knowledge and skills as they continue through school to ensure musical development is encouraged across all year groups.


How is the curriculum implemented at Farmilo? 

Music is implemented throughout school using the Kapow music scheme.

The scheme focuses on the 4 strands of music – performing, listening, composing and the history of music. It outlines the progression of skills for these strands throughout the year groups.


We chose to move to Kapow as it covers a wider breadth of topics and genres of music.

It includes music that the children can listen to at home which can help with engagement.

Kapow has a focus on the musical vocabulary which ties in with the our school intent and focus on having a language rich environment across the curriculum.
