Maths - we will be focusing on division. Dividing up to 3 digits by 1 digit, including remainders.
English - we will be writing a letter in character, describing a new island!
Maths - we will continue our unit on multiplication and division.
English - we will be writing a diary entry, focusing on fronted adverbials.
Maths - we will continue our multiplication and division unit, focusing on problem solving.
English - we are focusing on punctuation, including punctuation for direct speech.
Maths - we will recap multiplication, looking at multiplying multiples of ten, and multiplying 3 numbers.
English - we will start out unit on Koji's Island and Amazing Islands, focusing on using appropriate adjectives.
Maths: We will be starting a unit on measurement.
English: We will finish our unit on Leon and The Place Between, writing a diary entry.
Maths: We will continue with our multiplication and division unit
English: We will continue our unit on Leon and the place between, looking at noun phrases to describe a circus and the performers.
Maths: we will be continuing our work on multiplication and division - focusing on problem solving.
English: we will start our new unit, based on the book 'Leon and The Place Between'. We will write a setting description for a circus and look at the characters' emotions.
Maths: We will continue our multiplication unit. Remember to keep practising your timestables at home and use TTRS to help
English: We will be finishing our balanced argument, answering the question ' Should animals be kept in zoos?'
Maths: We will begin our multiplication unit. Remember to keep practising your timestables at home and use TTRS to help
English: We will be looking at the features of a balance argument and writing our own balanced argument, answering the question ' Should animals be kept in zoos?'
Maths - we will continue our unit on subtraction.
English - we will write a winter themed poem!
Year 3: We will start our unit on subtracting 3 digit numbers with no exchange.
Year 4: We will start our unit on subtracting 4 digit numbers with no exchange.
We will finish our end of unit writing, a narrative based on The Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We will edit and redraft our work.
Year 3: Adding 3 digit numbers with exchanging
Year 4: Adding 4 digit numbers with exchanging
We will be writing our final piece of writing - a narrative based on The Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
Year 3 - Adding 3 digit numbers, no exchanging using column method.
Year 4- Adding 4 digit numbers, no exchanging using column method
We will carry on our unit on The gorilla, we will start to plan our own narrative based on this familiar story.
We will also be learning about the different types of teeth and their functions.
Year 3 - We will be ordering numbers within 1000.
Year 4 - Find 1,10,100,1000 less than number and ordering numbers.
We will be continuing our work around 'The Gorilla' - focusing on the relationship between Hannah and the gorilla.
In Science, we will be investigating the digestive system.
Y3 - We will be looking at comparing numbers and counting up in 50s.
Y4 - We will be rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100,1000.
We will continue our unit on Gorilla. We will be researching facts about gorillas and creating our own fact file
In Science, we will be looking at food chains/webs and labeling producer, consumer, prey and predator.
Y3 - We will be looking at place value and number bonds to 1000.
Y4 - We will be partitioning and representing numbers to 10,000.
We will start our new unit on 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne. This week, we will explore the character Hannah, using noun phrases to describe her appearance and personality. We will then start to explore the relationship between Hannah and her father and give our opinions of the story so far.
In Science, we will be looking at food chains/webs and labeling producer, consumer, prey and predator.