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Week Commencing 29.11.21


English: This week we learning how to write gripping story endings with emphasis on using commas for clarity and subordinate clauses. 
Maths: Subtracting 4,5 and 6 digit numbers in word problems. 

Reading: We are exploring the ending of the book 'Cosmic'. 

Topic: We are learning about the history of Galileo Gallilei 


These will be tested on 2.12.21

Week Commencing 22.11.21


English: This week we are writing story openers so we are focusing on different types of sentences with particular attention being paid to adverbs. 
Maths: Subtracting 4,5 and 6 digit numbers.  

Reading: We are exploring the opening of a book called 'The kid who came from Space'. 

Topic: We are learning about moon phases and Isaac Newton 


These will be tested on 25.11.21

Bottle Rockets!

As part of our innovate day, the children experimented with bottle rockets - they created the structural system in class before further experimenting with the propulsion system using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. It was a super lesson and we all enjoyed watching them blast off into the sky... one of our rockets made an emergency landing in a nearby tree!

Week Commencing 1.11.21


English: We are focusing on using relevant vocabulary as well as honing into our five senses to create imaginative setting descriptions. 
Maths: Adding 4 digit numbers. 

Reading: We are exploring the opening of our class text 'Cosmic'. 
Topic: We are learning about rocketry and will be creating our very own bottle rockets! 


This week, we will choose 10 spellings at random from last half term :) 

