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Week 1 06.06.2022

We hope you all had a lovely half term and we can't wait to welcome you all back to Nursery this week.

Our continued learning for the begining of this half term will be 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.  This week we will be looking at how Jack sells their cow on the way to the market to a man in exchange for some magic beans. We will be looking at how the beanstalk began to grow from the magic beans that Jack got from the man on the way to the market. The children will have the opportunity to explore a variety of activities based around our new topic 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. The children will be able to have a go and planting their own magic beans, they will be able to make a cow mask using different resources and also experiment with the beans in the water using the fishing nets.

How to grow a bean plant

What do plants need to grow? Watch this video to learn how to grow a bean plant!

CBeebies: Topsy and Tim - Remember When... Planting Sunflower Seeds

CBeebies - Topsy and Tim plant sunflower seeds in their back garden. Visit to find even more fun games and videos for your pre-...

Important Dates:

Friday 10th June 2022- Forest School for both AM and PM Nursery

Monday 13th June 2022- INSET DAY
