Week beginning 11th July 2022
English Y1/2: We will be doing some writing for our reports and copying one of our big writes into a purple polished piece (Best handwriting!)
Maths Y1/2: We will be continuing to look at money and add and subtract with different coins.
Topic: We will be looking at different weather in Science!
Week beginning 4th July 2022
English Y1/2: We will be learning about bees and writing a non-chronological report about bees.
Maths Y1/2: We will be starting a unit on money - what the different coins mean and add and subtract with the different coins.
Topic: We will be looking at life cycles in Science.
Week beginning 27th June 2022
English Y1/2: We will be watching 'The Bee Movie' and writing as setting description as Barry the bee.
Maths Y1/2: We will be continuing to look at place value to 100.
Topic: We will be looking at life cycles in Science.
Week beginning 20th June 2022
English Y1/2: We will be looking at the story 'Never Tickle a Tiger' and changing it to match our new topic! We will write our own version of the story 'Never Tickle a Tarantula'!
Maths Y1/2: We will be looking at place value to 100.
Topic: We will be looking at living, dead and non-living organisms in Science.
Week beginning 13th June 2022
Please remember there is an inset day on Monday 13th.
English Y1/2: We will be looking at the story 'Never Tickle a Tiger' and changing it to match our new topic! We will then write a diary entry as Izzy, the young girl in the story.
Maths Y/2: We are looking at fractions of numbers.
Topic: We will start our computing unit of digital art by creating a picture on the program Paint. We will also be making our moving mechanism in DT!
Week beginning 6th June 2022
English Y1/2: We will be writing minibeast riddles.
Maths Y/2: We are looking at fractions of shapes.
Topic: We will be starting our forest school unit! We will be looking for minibeasts!