Week beginning 4th July
This week, we will be designing our chocolate bars and MAKING THEM! Our Topic write will be inspired by our chocolate bars, the children will be writing an imaginative piece that gives creative information about their chocolate bar. In Maths, we will be starting a 2 week unit in time. In English, we will be starting a 2 week unit on biographies as we will write a biography on our author, Roald Dahl.
Spellings to be tested 7th July Words with root structure ‘scop’ and ‘spect’ | |
scope | respect |
telescope | inspect |
microscope | spectacular |
horoscope | spectator |
periscope | spectacles |
Week beginning 27th June
This week, we will be writing our exciting stories inspired by Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! We have worked incredibly hard on creating our own room in the factory and I can't wait to see how these will come out. In Maths, Year 4 will continue to look at shapes and Year 3 will continue to look at length. In Topic, we will be doing some more Geography by looking at climatic and physical features. Our spellings:
Week beginning 20th June
This week, we begin our two week story writing unit! In our Topic write, we will be describing a magical chocolate bar. In Maths, Year 3 and 4 will look at angles but halfway through the week Year 3 and 4 will split off to look at symmetry and drawing with a ruler. We will also be tasting some exotic fruit for our chocolate bar and the origins of these fruits! Don't forget, Monday is our Sports day at 2pm.
Week beginning 13th June
This week, we continue to look at healthy eating and writing our persuasive texts to convince our audience to make better choices! In Maths, Year 3 are looking at 2D and 3D shape whereas Year 4 are looking at decimals - dividing and multiplying by 10 and ordering and comparing. In PE, we will be practising for Sports Day!
Week beginning 6th June
Welcome to the start of our brand-new topic, Scrumdiddlyumptious! This week, we're finding out about the history and manufacture of chocolate. We'll be writing persuasively about the importance of eating healthily whilst our maths learning focuses on working with tenths (Year 3) and hundredths (Year 4).
Week beginning 23rd May
This week, we continue our journey with fractions as Year 3 will look at addition and subtraction of fractions as well as Year 4. However, Year 4 will then split off to look at fractions of a quantity. In English, we will look at delivering our own speeches about changes for Pleasley. In Topic, we will be creating an exciting Andy Warhol inspired print! The last two days of term will be Jubilee themed. Another exciting week ahead!!
Spellings to be tested 26th May Creating adverbs with the suffix -ly (root word ends in ‘le’ | |
Probably | Photography |
Incredibly | Barrier |
Humbly | Council |
Nobly | Disease |
possibly | urban |
Spellings to be tested 26th May High frequency group | |
Badge | Age |
Edge | Huge |
Bridge | Change |
Dodge | Charge |
fudge | village |
Week beginning 16th May
Week beginning 9th May
This week, we will be writing our letter to Pleasley council with a balanced argument for making Pleasley a better place. In Maths, Year 3 will look at equivalent fractions and Year 4 will look at fractions bigger than a whole. We will also be doing some Art and have a Love To Investigate morning on Friday with light!
Spellings to be tested 12th May
| |
Earth | Resident |
Early | Plaque |
Leam | Pedestrian |
Heard | Commemorate |
search | monument |
Spellings to be tested 12th May High frequency group | |
Race | Face |
Ice | Space |
Cell | Bicycle |
City | Circle |
fancy | spicy |
Week beginning 3rd May
This week, we will be looking at designing our own Pleasley as we will be starting a two week English unit on letter writing. In Maths, we continue with our Fractions. We have an exciting visitor coming to school on Friday too!
Spellings to be tested 5th May Words with the long /ei/ sound spelt with ai | |
Straight | Graffiti |
Complaint | Vandalism |
Afraid | Mural |
Praise | Plaza |
brain | statue |
Spellings to be tested 5th May High frequency group | |
Write | Wrist |
Written | Wreck |
Wrote | Wrestle |
Wrong | Wriggle |
wrap | wren |
Week beginning 25th April
After a lovely first week back, this week we're thinking further afield as we compare Pleasley with another locality - Berlin! Are there any similarities and what are the differences? In maths, we begin a big unit of learning on fractions which we are very excited about!
Spellings to be tested 28th April Words with the long /ei/ sound spelt with ei | |
Eight | Reflector |
Weight | Source |
Beige | Downtown |
Neighbour | Leisure |
vein | national |
Week beginning 18th April
This week, we start our topic with a walk around Pleasley to spot the amenities. In Maths, we will continue to look at money. Our Topic Write will be a review on Pleasley! Don't forget, Monday is a bank holiday so we will be back at school on Tues 19th. Our PE days will be Thursday and Friday.
Spellings to be tested Thursday 21st April -sure | |
Measure | City |
Treasure | Community |
Pleasure | Environment |
Enclosure | Generation |
composure | pioneer |
Spellings to be tested Thursday 21st April High frequency words | |
Round | home |
Shouted | Found |
Our | Grow |
Know | Boy |
boy | Mouse |
Week beginning 28th March
This week, we will be moving away from division in Maths and looking at money, using pounds and pence. We continue to look at poetry in English and finish our computing unit by creating our own Horrible Science pages using software. It is also our Easter Service on Monday. Don't forget it is also parents evening this week. We have our Big Spell test on Thursday!
Spellings to be tested Thursday 31st March BIG SPELL – 15 words from this term | |
Completely | Interview |
Preparation | Camouflage |
Finally | Species |
Usually | Predator |
Information | Prey |
Subheading | Carnivore |
Submerge | insect |
interact |
Spellings to be tested Thursday 31st March BIG SPELL - High frequency words | |
Everyone | One |
Which | Improve |
Even | Sure |
Took | Great |
Live | Half |
Won | Witch |
Saw | cried |
quiet |
Week beginning 21st March
This week, we are focusing on poetry in English and going to write our own animal inspired poem! In Maths, we will continue with our formal method of division. We will be going on a walk to Pleasley Vale on Wednesday as part of forest schools. We will also be doing some Geography and looking at Biomes and Habitats.
Spellings to be tested Thursday 24th March Suffix -ly | |
Sadly | Vessels |
Completely | Biome |
Usually | Habitat |
Finally | Nutrient |
Comically | temperature |
Spellings to be tested Thursday 24th March High frequency words | |
Book | Which |
Took | Witch |
Door | Live |
Floor | Lived |
wood | cried |
Week beginning 14th March
This week, we are continuing with our two week story narrative on our chosen animal! In Maths, we are beginning our journey into formal division by looking at 2 digits by 1 digit and introducing the bus stop method. On Wednesday, it is Science Day! We will be conducting an experiment related to plant vessels. We also will have Forest School and be practising our art skills.
| ||||||||||||
Spellings to be tested Thursday 17th March High frequency words | |
Every | Still |
Everyone | Small |
Even | Well |
Ever | Tell |
Each | Fell |
Week beginning 7th March
This week, we start our exciting 2 week story unit inspired by our class book 'Just So Stories' by Rudyard Kipling. In Maths, Year 3 will divide by 4 and 8 and Year 4 will divide by 7 and 9. In Forest school this week, we will be cooking our own veggie fajitas!! In Science, we will be looking at predatory plants.
Spellings this week:
Spellings to be tested Thursday 10th March Prefix inter- | |
Interact | Carnivore |
Internet | Omnivore |
International | Herbivore |
Intergalactic | Camouflage |
Interview | insect |
Spellings to be tested Thursday 10th March High frequency words | |
Everybody | Path |
Great | Bath |
Break | Improve |
Steak | Sure |
pass | half |
Week beginning 28th February
This week, we are creating our own setting description of the Amazon Rainforest using a range of grammar devices. In Maths, we continue with division and Y3's look at dividing by 3 and 4 whereas Year 4's look at dividing by 6 and 9. In Topic, we will be looking at the fossils of animals and classifying herbivores and omnivores. We will also be looking at the Deadly 60 and creating our own presentation in Steve Backshall style!
Spellings to be tested Thursday 10th March Prefix inter- | |
Interact | Carnivore |
Internet | Omnivore |
International | Herbivore |
Intergalactic | Camouflage |
Interview | insect |
Spellings to be tested Thursday 10th March High frequency words | |
Everybody | Path |
Great | Bath |
Break | Improve |
Steak | Sure |
pass | half |
Week beginning 21st February
This week, we have an exciting Birds of Prey experience to immerse us into the topic! This will inspire our Topic write which will be a recount of the experience. In Maths, we start our journey with division. Year 3 will divide by 2,5 and 10 whereas Year 4 will divide by 10 and 100. In Science, we will look at Animal diets.
Spellings to be tested Thursday 3rd March Prefix ‘sub-‘ | |
Subdivide | Predator |
Subheading | Prey |
Submarine | Species |
Submerge | Consumer |
subject | endoskeleton |
Spellings to be tested Thursday 3rd March High frequency words – homophones | |
Blue | Won |
blew | Be |
Quite | Bee |
Quiet | Saw |
one | sore |
Week beginning 7th February 2022
As we head into the final week of this half-term, we will be bringing all of our learning together as we focus on our computing knowledge in making Groovy Greek PowerPoints. Our English will also tie into this as we work at sentence level to think about how to make our writing as informative and engaging as possible. Our Maths learning will continue with multiplication written methods as Year 3 multiply 2-digit by 1-digit and Year 4 move into 3-digit x 1-digit.
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 24th February High frequency words | |
hour | bare |
our | knight |
see | night |
sea | here |
bear | hear |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 24th February Prefix ‘re-‘ | |
Redo | Retry |
Refresh | Repay |
Return | Rearrange |
Reappear | Replay |
Redecorate | Reuse |
Week beg 24th January 2022
English: We are starting our two week unit of instructional writing. We will be using imperative (bossy verbs) to make effective instructions.
Topic: This week our topic will have a D&T focus. We will be making our own Trojan horse.
Maths: We are continuing our multiplication unit by looking at related calculations, comparing multiplication sentences (Year 3s only) and multiplying 3 numbers (Year 4s only).
incorrect | invasion |
immortal | formation |
impossible | trojan |
irregular | decoy |
irresponsible | mortal |
Week beginning 17th January
Life in Ancient Greece is our focus this week as we find out about food, entertainment, homes, beliefs and school. We'll be continuing our work on mythology as we retell Pandora's Box. Our Maths learning continues to focus on our x table knowledge.
Main group spellings:
1. submarine
2. submerge
3. superman
4. superstar
6. kantharos
7. hydria
8. diety
9. warrior
10. conquer
High frequency words:
1. door
2. floor
3. poor
4. last
5. fast
6. past
7. clothes
8. busy
10. bath
Week beg 10th January 2022
English: This week, we start our 2 week narrative unit to write our very own Myth. We will be inspired by the myth 'Pandora's box'and will be retelling this story.
Maths: We are continuing exploring multiplication. Year 3s will be learning their 4 and 8 times table, Year 4s will be learning and applying their 3,6 and 7 times tables. MAKE SURE THAT YOU GO ON TT ROCKSTARS TOO!
Topic: Out topic will be history and art based. In History, we will be learning about the Greek Gods and Goddesses. We will continuing looking at mythology in art, where we will be designing our very own Greek vase that shows a story.
Main group spellings:
1. interact
2. international
3. interrelated
4. antisocial
5. antiseptic
6. invasion
7. formation
8. trojan
9. decoy
10. hoplite
High frequency words:
1. hike
2. bike
4. like
5. kite
6. cake
7. make
8. bake
9. fake
10. take
Week beginning 4th January 2022!
Welcome back everybody! We kick start our new topic this week with an exciting Engage Day! We will be planning a holiday to modern Athens - where will you choose to visit? What hotel will you stay in? We will be using our research skills to decide and present these to the class! In Maths, we begin our journey in multiplication. In Geography, we will be comparing features of Ancient Greece to modern England. What differences and similarities might you find? In our English, we will focus on an exciting holiday brochure to show off all our fantastic knowledge of Greece!
Main group spellings:
1. incorrect
2. immortal
3. impossible
4. irregular
5. irresponsible
6. jury
7. mortal
8. temple
9. trial
10. lifestyle
High frequency words:
1. want
2. watch
3. wand
4. word
6. worm
7. worth
8. class
9. pass
10. grass
Week beginning 13th December!
It's Christmas week!! This week, we will be performing our exciting Christmas play, 'Superstars'! We will spend Monday doing our dress rehearsal. We will be doing lots of crafts this week, including Christmas cards and calendars. We have our Christmas fair on Wednesday which will be for half an hour after school. On Thursday, we will have our Christmas party. We have our last 'Big Spell' test this week which is 15 spellings from this term.
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 16th December BIG SPELL – 15 words from this term | |
Bravely | Information |
Weakly | Population |
Volcano | The girl’s |
Eruption | Pompeii |
Can’t | Igneous |
Couldn’t | magma |
Vesuvius | Crust |
Mantle |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 16th December BIG SPELL – 15 high frequency words from this term | |
With | Little |
look | Children |
They | Some |
went | Your |
Were | Asked |
Said | House |
When | About |
One |
Week beginning 6th December
This week, we will be having a Christmas themed writing focus! In Maths, both year groups will have a Christmas themed focus also - Year 4 will look at Negative numbers and Year 3 will look at measurement. Our last topic lesson will be this week, it is all about fossils! We will be spending a lot of time this week rehearsing our Christmas play so please make sure children are practising their lines and songs!
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 9th December Homophones | |
Berry | Fare |
Bury | Erosion |
Break | Destructive |
Brake | Obliterate |
Fair | Hazard |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 9th December High frequency words | |
Very | Could |
Make | About |
Put | House |
Called | time |
old | day |
Week beginning 29th November
This week, we will be continuing our exciting learning about Rocks. We will be looking at soil and different types of rocks. In Maths, we will be concluding our work on subtraction. Year 3 will look at 3 by 3 digit with exchanges and Year 4 will look at 4 by 4 digit with more than one exchange. In English, we will be writing a story inspired by our class book, Firework Maker's Daughter by Phillip Pullman. We are now practising for our Christmas production. Fitness takes place on Thursday afternoons with Tom. Over the next few weeks, we will be creating our very own baubles in our art sessions.
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 2nd December Suffix -ation | |
Information | Igneous |
Sensation | Sedimentary |
Population | Compression |
Determination | Metamorphic |
vibration | Fossil |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 2nd December High frequency words | |
Some | Made |
Come | Your |
There | Came |
What | Saw |
looked | asked |
Week beginning 22nd November
This week, we will be looking closely at Mount Vesuvius and why it is so famous and iconic. This will be the inspiration for our writing as we will be creating a Newspaper article that reports on the destruction of Pompeii. In Maths, we will continue with our journey in subtraction. Year 4's will be moving onto 4 digit by 4 digit whereas Year 3 continue with 3 digit by 3 digit with exchanging. In art, we will complete our firework scratch art masterpieces! PE is still on Wednesday's and Thursday's however we will soon be using some of this time for Christmas rehearsals. On Friday, it is our whole school Healthy Day! We will be looking at how to look after ourselves and our teeth.
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 25th November Possessive apostrophe | |
The girl’s | Vesuvius |
The man’s | Disaster |
The children’s | Pompeii |
The teacher’s | Mount |
Robert’s | Italy |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 25th November High frequency words | |
Children | when |
Little | One |
Just | Like |
Help | Out |
said | were |
Week beginning 15th November
This week, we will be learning all about the iconic Mt. Vesuvius! We will be focusing on our Computing skills and learning about the search engine, Google. This will allow us to conduct our own independent research! In English, we will be writing our very own thrilling stories, where will be sneaking off to watch a Firework display! In Maths, both Year 3 and Year 4 continue with subtraction. Year 4 will recap 3 digit by 3 digit with 1 exchange where as Year 3 will look at subtracting from the tens OR ones using an exchange. PE continues to be Wednesday's and Thursday's with Gymnastics and Fitness with Tom. Tuesday is 'Odd Socks Day' and Friday is 'Children in Need' day which will be non-uniform. It is anti-bullying week this week so this will be a focus in PSHE.
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 18th November Contractions | |
Can’t | Earth |
Didn’t | Inner core |
Hasn’t | Outer core |
Couldn’t | Mantle |
It’s | Crust |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 18th November High frequency words | |
Too | From |
Was | Went |
All | Are |
Look | They |
You | Her |
Week beginning 8th November
This week, we are learning all about the structure of the planet. We delve deep underground and look at the layers of the earth. In Maths, we start our exciting journey with subtraction. Year 3's will begin with taking Ones away whereas Year 4 will be recapping 3 digit take away 3 digit and moving to 4 digit take 4 digit without exchanging. We will be using column subtraction. In English, we will be writing an exciting story! We will be writing as a volcano. PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday, we will be focusing on Gymnastics and Fitness.
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 11th November The suffix -ly | |
Badly | Lava |
Bravely | Magma |
Kindly | Volcano |
Weakly | Eruption |
Sadly | Volcanologist |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 11th November High frequency words | |
Will | Down |
That | Them |
Then | For |
Now | With |
she | This |
Week beginning 1st November
Welcome back everybody! This week we delve straight into our very exciting topic, Tremors. We will be exploring earthquakes on our Engage Day and using our DT skills to create a building that can hopefully withstand one. In English, we will be looking at the importance of Bonfire Night and writing a non-fiction information text. In Maths, we will have a week on problem solving using our formal method of addition that we looked at before we broke up. Don't forget, we have PE on Wednesday's and Thursday's this term. This week is our last week of Ballet for Year 3's! On Thursday, we will be having a spelling test from the spellings sent home.
1. Their
2. There
3. They're
4. your
5. You're
6. volcano
7. erupt
8. earthquake
9. tremor
10. eruption
Week beginning 4th October
This week, we move away from the Bronze Age and begin to look at the final part of the period, the Iron Age. In English, we are continuing with our whole class narratives and write our action scenes and endings. In Maths, we begin our journey with addition and learning our formal method, column method. In Art, we will be creating our very own beakers out of clay! PE still continues on Wednesday and Friday, with ballet and football. We will also be performing in the Harvest Festival on Friday which we are very excited about!
Our spellings this week:
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 7th October The suffix -ness | |
Kindness | Loom |
Illness | Hillforts |
Darkness | Settlement |
Greatness | Sword |
happiness | Shield |
Spellings – to be tested on Thurs 7th October High frequency words | |
House | Said |
Into | People |
Little | One |
Look | Some |
Made | Make |
Week beginning 27th September
This week, we continue with our exploration of the Bronze Age! We look closely at what Bronze Age life was like and how this was different from the Stone Age. We have a strong focus on Science this week too as we look at plants and how water transports through them. In English, we are starting our 2 week narrative block where we will be writing an exciting story based on 'Early Man'. In Maths, Year 3 will be focusing on placing numbers on a number line and counting in 50's whereas Year 4 will focus on rounding. We will also be continuing with our project in Art as we design our Stone Age inspired pottery.
Spellings to be tested Thurs 30th Sep Adding the suffix -ment and topic words | |
argument | beaker |
merriment | tunic |
payment | arrowhead |
enjoyment | mammoth |
treatment | hunting |
Spellings to be tested Thurs 30th Sep High Frequency Words | |
come | my |
some | ask |
they | pull |
was | full |
by | here |
Week beginning 20th September
We now leaving behind the Stone Age and say hello to the Bronze Age! This week, we watch the film 'Early Man' as our inspiration for writing this week as our Big Write is an exciting film review. In Maths, Year 3 and Year 4 will look at comparing objects and numbers. Year 3 start their ballet programme this week, keep updated for Newsletters! On Monday, we will be getting a little messy as we will be using clay to create our own pots and beakers just like they did in the Bronze Age. In Science, we will be focusing on how crops are grown and how tribes thrived due to the increase in farming during this period.
Week beginning 13th September
We start the week with a fantastic trip to Creswell Crags! We will be exploring caves and finding evidence from thousands of years ago. This will be our inspiration for our writing this week as we will recount our lovely day. In Maths, we continue with our Place Value journey and look at our number bonds to 100. As we come to the end of the Stone Age period, we will look at monuments and Stone Age life.
Spellings to be tested on Thursday 16th:
Spellings to be tested Thurs 16th Sep Adding the suffix -ed and topic words | |
jumped | Creswell |
folded | hyena |
climbed | gorge |
cried | hunter |
tried | museum |
Week beginning 6th September
WELCOME TO THE STONE AGE! This week, we kick start our topic with an exciting Engage Day. Grab your tools as we become archaeologists and excavate the area to find Stone Age tools...In addition, we will even get to meet a real life Cave woman! Our English focus this week is all about the ruins of Skara Brae, a real Stone Age village. We look closely at Neanderthals and how the period saw the change from hunter-gatherers to Neolithic farmers. Don't forget our PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Spellings to be tested Thurs 9th Sep Adding the suffix -ing. | |
sticking | stone |
hurting | bronze |
turning | iron |
jumping | cave |
lifting | bone |