Mrs Shaw is our Outdoor Learning lead.
"I am passionate about the great outdoors so I love taking our curriculum and learning outside!
Outdoor learning can provide a lot benefits for the children including health and wellbeing. We are very lucky at Farmilo to have an amazing Forest School area and lots of outside space."
Outdoor Learning Intent
At Farmilo we strive to create a love for learning and recognise that in order to fully embed this, children need well rounded learning experiences which are positives, enjoyable, creative and transferrable into the outdoor environment they grow up in. Outdoor learning can not only fully incorporate the curriculum using our designated outdoor space, but also improves children mental, spiritual and physical well-being - a very important priority for our children at Farmilo. Outdoor learning provides a hands on, active learning experience for children, enriching their learning throughout all aspects of the curriculum. Allowing children to explore their environment creates a rich opportunity to extend their vocabulary which is relevant and personal to the world they live in and compliments the language rich curriculum we strive to provide for our children. It is essential to recognise that many children do not often get equal opportunities outside school life to experience the outdoors and nature, so it is vital we allow these experiences to happen and ensure all children are inspired and experience the natural environment around us.