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W/C 27.06


Below are our phonics and tricky words songs to help jog our memories. 

Tricky Words - phase 2

Tricky Words - Phase 3

Phonics song

We are now moving onto Phase 4 phonics which focuses on teaching the children to blend and segment longer words. Below are some activity sheets for your child to practice with and give you some ideas of the type of activities you could try at home! 

Remember reading every day at home will also help to improve your child's phonics understanding!


This week we are focusing on looking at the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.  

Can you think of a different way the 3 Billy Goats Gruff story could end? Write a new ending or change the characters in the story. 

Remember your finger spaces, full stop, capital letters and robot arms!




For the next two week are focusing on the traditional tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff . 

Below you will find a list of some fun activities you could try at home linking to this:

- Use books or the internet to find out 2 facts about goats. Bring them into class to share with everyone else. 

- The 3 Billy Goats Gruff are different sizes. Have a look around your house and find something that is bigger than you and something that is smaller than you. Put them into 'bigger' and 'smaller' lists. 

- The troll was very unkind to the 3 Billy Goats Gruff. Talk to a grown up about the unkind things he did and said. Try and think of some things he could do instead, to be friendly to the 3 Billy Goats Gruff. 



Our focus for this week is going to be on odd and even numbers.

We have attached the number block episode that links to odd and even and some of our number songs. 

Below you will also find some worksheets to help consolidate the children's Maths learning this week. 

Odd and Even number song

Numberblocks - Odd and Even

Preparation for Year 1: 

Each week we will now be uploading a fun little activity which will help towards the transition into Year 1. 

This week it is a worksheet which focuses on some of the key things about the children for them to share with their new teachers. For example my friends are ... (see sheet below). If you don't have a printer you could record this information in any format!
