WC 27.11.23
Maths: Inverse operations (addition and subtraction).
English: We are looking at two versions of the film 'Mulan'. Children will be working up to writing a film review.
Please ensure your child practises their spellings regularly.
WC 13.11.23
Maths: Addition up to 5 and 6 digits.
English: We are looking at Children in Need and working up to writing a letter to Mrs Tryner.
Reading: We are reading Chapter 16 of 'Mulan Before the Sword'.
Please ensure your child practises their spellings regularly.
WC 6.11.23
Maths: Rounding up to 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 & 100,000
English: We are learning about the features of a persuasive letter.
Reading: We are reading a persuasive letter to support our writing this week.
Please ensure your child practises their spellings regularly.
WC 16.10.23
Maths: Comparing numbers up to 1,000,000 & end of half term arithmetic test
English: Writing a recount about our Tuesday swimming lesson
Whole class reading: Comprehension Test
We have compiled 20 high frequency spellings which all of our children are finding challenging to spell. Please practise these over the half term and ensure your child can spell them in context.
WC 9.10.23
Maths: Reading numbers up to 1,000,000 on a number line.
English: Learning about the features of a recount.
Whole class reading: Continuing to read and unpick our class text 'Mulan - The last Sword'
Spellings (handed out every Friday, tested the following Thursday)
Please ensure that your children are practising their spellings everyday. As the year progresses, we may allocate different spellings to different children to help support an area of need, as and when they need it.
WC 2.10.23
Maths: Partitioning numbers up to 1 million.
English: Creating a poem based on the folktale, 'Bamboo & The Turtle'
Whole class reading: Studying a Chinese folktale, 'The Nodding Dragon'.
Spellings (handed out every Friday, tested the following Thursday)
Please ensure that your children are practising their spellings everyday. As the year progresses, we may allocate different spellings to different children to help support an area of need, as and when they need it.
WC 25.9.23
Maths: Finding 10,100,1000, 10,000 and 100,000 more or less than a number.
English: Understanding and using different types of figurative language
Whole class reading: Reading and un-picking Chapter 6 of our class text - Mulan
Spellings (handed out every Friday, tested the following Thursday)
Please ensure that your children are practising their spellings everyday. As the year progresses, we may allocate different spellings to different children to help support an area of need, as and when they need it.
WC 18.9.23
Maths: We will be continuing to look at place value and in particular, counting in powers of 10.
English: This week, we will be looking at generating expanded noun phrases whilst planning our own folktale!
Whole class reading: We will be looking at a folktale called, 'The Four Dragons'. This will support our work in English.
Spellings (handed out every Friday, tested the following Thursday)
Please ensure that your children are practising their spellings everyday. As the year progresses, we may allocate different spellings to different children to help support an area of need, as and when they need it.
WC 11.9.23
Maths: Place value knowledge of numbers up to 1 million.
English: Traditional Chinese Folk Tales with an emphasis on using concise adjectives within expanded noun phrases.
Whole Class Reading: Chapter 1 of 'Mulan - The Last Sword'
Spellings (Handed out each Friday and tested the following Thursday)
Please ensure that your children are practising their spellings everyday. As the year progresses, we may allocate different spellings to different children to help support an area of need, as and when they need it.
Welcome back!
It's a brand new year and we are so excited to see everyone! This week, we will be spending time settling into our new classes and completing various PSHE activities. We will be looking at our class and school rules, our class charter and e-safety. We will also be completing some art activities involving self portraits and completing an artist study.
Spellings (Handed out each Friday and tested the following Thursday)
Please ensure that your children are practising their spellings everyday.