WB 3.6.24
Maths: Identifying different types of angles
English: Writing a short story about Butterscotch’s great escape!
WCR: : A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about Hippocrates.
Foundation Subjects
History: Discussion based learning about the acropolis
Science: Irreversible and reversible changes
French: Objects in town and the park
RE: Art in the different faiths
DT: Planning a structure using Tinkercad
WB 10.6.24
Monday is an INSET day.
Maths: Angles and shapes (polygons and 3D)
WCR: : A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about Ancient Greece
Foundation Subjects
History: Philosophical people and masters of mathematics
Science: Irreversible changes
French: Saying where the park is
RE: Music in the different faiths
DT: Make design based from tinkercad plan
WB 17.6.24
Maths: Area and Perimeter
English: Learning to use a wide range of conjunctions to extend sentences
WCR: : A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about Ancient Greece
Foundation Subjects
History: Sports in ancient Greece
Science: Step one and two of independent investigations
French: using adjectives to describe
RE: Dance, drama and psalms
Art: Artist study about Edvard Munch
WB 24.6.24
Maths: Position, direction and symmetry
WCR: : A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about Ancient Greece
Foundation Subjects
History: Alexander the Great
Science: Step three of independent investigations
French: Giving reasons and opinions
RE: Arts and Hinduism
Art: Understanding colour
WB 1.7.24
Maths: Converting units
WCR: : A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about Greco-Roman world.
Foundation Subjects
History: Greco-Roman World
Science: Step four and five of independent investigations
French: Write about our town or village
RE: Arts and Islam
Art: Modern expressionism
WB 8.7.24
Maths: Converting units
WCR: : A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about Ancient Greece.
Foundation Subjects
History: Visit to local area
Science: Study of key scientist Ruth Benerito
RE: Arts and Christianity
Art: Adding colour to self portrait/ ‘selfie’
WB 15.7.24
Maths: Volume
Foundation Subjects
History: Partake Theatre Company Visit
RE: Personal artwork to evoke feeling
Art: Draw picture from last week and add in colour
WB 22.7.24
Last week of term
Monday and Tuesday will be spent in Y5
Wednesday – Friday are transition days in new Y6 class.
WB 15.4.24
Maths: Equivalent Fractions and Decimals
Reading: A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about ancient Greece.
Foundation Subjects
History: Comparing the ancient Greek timeline with other civilisations around the world
Science: Researching a key scientist (Arthur Fry & Spencer Silver)
PE: Handball
Art: Researching our significant artist (Nideka Crosby)
French: Learning how to say different shops and what to buy at them
WB 22.4.24
Maths: Improper and mixed fractions
Reading: A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text about ancient Greece.
Foundation Subjects
History: Learning about sources of evidence (primary and secondary)
Science: Properties of materials
PE: Handball
Art: Paper Craft and making
French: Role play of buying things in a shop
WB 29.4.24
Maths: Ordering and comparing fractions/ Adding and subtracting fractions
Reading: A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills about the Minoan civilisation
Foundation Subjects
History: Mycenaean civilisations
Science: Thermal conductors/ Measuring changes in temp
PE: Handball
Art: Mixed media collage mood boards
French: Places in the town
WB 6.5.24 (Bank Holiday Monday)
Maths: Multiplying fractions/ Fractions of an amount
Reading: A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills about the dark age and archaic period
Foundation Subjects
History: The dark age and archaic period
Science: Carousel of activities relating to evaporating, sieving and filtering
PE: Handball
Art: Creating a final piece using paper craft techniques
WB 13.5.24
Maths: Order, compare and round decimals
Reading: A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text
Foundation Subjects
History: City states and the role of men/ women
Science: Solubility
PE: Handball
DT: Research on a significant person (Phidias)
French: Write about where places are
WB: 20.5.24
Maths: Understand percentages as fractions and decimals
Reading: A focus on retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary skills using a non-fiction text
Foundation Subjects
History: Social Hierarchy in Athens
Science: Exploring mixtures
PE: Handball
DT: Architecture over time
French: Following directions