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This half term during our phonics learning we will be starting phase one phonics. Phase one phonics is all about listening so the children will have the opportunity of taking part in a variety of different listening games and activities and they will have the opportunity to go on listening walks with their friends. Please see some links below of the activities that we will be using to support our learning this half term.

It's a phonics song with a picture for each letter. This is designed to help children learn the sounds of the letters in the English alphabet. Written and performed by A.J.Jenkins Copyright 2009 A.J.Jenkins/KidsTV123. All rights reserved. This is an ORIGINAL song written in 2009 - any copying is illegal.

Listening Game - Guess The Sound | Help Children Improve Listening Skills and Improve Attention

Listening is key to communicating effectively. Messages are easily misunderstood without the ability to listen effectively. As a result, communication breaks down and it can easily frustrate or irritate the message's sender. Effective listening is a SKILL that underpins all positive relationships between people.

Listening Game 2 - Guess The Animal Sound | Animal Sounds for Children

Listening Game - Guess the Animal Sound | Animal sounds for children! What animal made that sound? Listening is key to communicating effectively. Messages are easily misunderstood without the ability to listen effectively. As a result, communication breaks down and it can easily frustrate or irritate the message's sender.
