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Y5 Ford



Hi everybody! Welcome to Ford Class with Miss Conneely (Class Teacher) and Mrs Ledger (Teaching Assistant). 

This term, we are learning about the origins of our food, how it is produced and the history of agriculture in our topic 'Allotment'. 


Our class text is 'The Secret Garden' by Frances Hodgson Burnett.


Important Information


Start/ End of Day Routines:

School starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm


PE Days:

Monday (HC) and Tuesday (Swimming)



Spellings will be handed out on a Friday and tested the following Thursday.


Home Learning:

Home learning will be handed out on Thursday and will be due in the following Thursday morning.  


Big Write:

Big write's are a really important aspect of our learning in school and will take place on a Thursday after lots of scaffolding, input and support in the days prior. Mrs Ledger and I can't wait to see how your writing and imagination has matured as you come into Y5. 



Nurturing and teaching your children is a privilege and both Mrs Ledger and I will be here to support with any questions, queries or concerns you may have. For a quick chat or message about your child, I will be available at the classroom door on entry and at the end of the day however if you have a concern that may require more time, please send me a dojo so that I can arrange a telephone conversation or meeting when is convenient for us both! 




