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Childhood: What are we learning this week?

Week beginning 9th September

English: we will be starting our new unit ‘Misha makes friends’. We will be practising our capital letters and full stops.


Maths :we will be starting our unit on place value and practising numbers to 20.


We will be sending spellings home this week.

Y1 - 5 Phase 3 tricky words: he, she, we, me, be

Y2 - words broken down into syllables: happy, pocket, thunder, jumper, sunset, rabbit, window, backpack, toilet, wallet.

Both spelling tests will be on Friday 13th September.

In science, we will be investigating man made materials. We will also start our DT unit Shade and Shelter and investigate different shelter structures.


Our grandparent event is Friday 13th at 2.30pm. One grandparent per child can attend and if possible bring in an old game to play with their grandchild. Please see dojo for more information. 
